Q&A and Contact
How can we help you?
AXICONTACT is reserved for companies and local authorities with a contract of technical maintenance.
Before contacting us, please check that a response is not listed below or download the User Guide.
My preferences (email alerts, time zone...)
To (stop to) be alerted by email, please log in and click "Preferences" (bottom left of the page).
To change the language of email alerts, please log in and click on your ID / My account (top of page) / Preferences / Mail language.
The times are displayed in your time zone. To change this time zone, please log in and click on your ID / My account (top of page) / Preferences / Timezone.
My account (create an account, username, password, contact details, access rights...)
To obtain (or reactivate) an account or additional features (or facilities/sites/buildings), please contact your usual EQUANS contact.
You can use your email address to login.
To deactivate an account, please contact your usual EQUANS contact.
To change your password (or contact information), please log in and click on your ID / My account (top of page) / My password.
If you have lost your password, email a link to reset it.
To change your contact information, please log in and click on your ID / My account (top of page) / Contact information.
Are you an EQUANS operative? For all these operations, contact your local administrator.
Service requests (heating, air conditioning...)
To request EQUANS service, please log in and fill out the "New request" form from the REQUESTS menu.
If you do not have this functionality, you can contact our Customer Relations Center or your usual EQUANS contact.
Need guidance? Download the User Guide.
Other information about EQUANS (addresses, contacts, job vacancies...)
For general information (addresses, contacts, job postings, etc...) about EQUANS, visit www.equans.com.
Other information on the AXICONTACT portal (user guide, browser, security...)
AXICONTACT is optimized for Chrome.
Also supported: the latest version of Edge, Firefox, Safari.
All information exchanged between your workstation and AXICONTACT is encrypted so that it cannot be intercepted by a third party.
The connection is protected by OKTA.
My documents
In order to be fast to download, the size of the documents is limited to 50 MB (13 minutes with basic internet access).
Can’t find the answers to your questions?
Don’t worry about it!
You can contact your usual EQUANS contact who will answer you as soon as possible.